Saturday, January 23, 2010

0 Time to talk Rapport...

What the heck is rapport?
(That was my initial reaction to the concept when I first read the word)
Kind of a vague concept, particularly when we're talking about
creating it with an attractive woman.

Rapport is simply when you are in "sync", being on the same
"wavelength" as the person with whom you are talking.

This is another way of saying that you are both interested
in “getting to know each other”.

Wide rapport is when you discuss a number of topics, and establish
a commonality on each.

Deep rapport is when you discover a commonality a discuss it
at length, doing deep into the subject.

See that Schttrj?  Can you imagine which is better
for dating?  Well, the answer will almost certainly surprise

The tendency for guys is to dive into deep rapport the moment
it seems like you have one thing in common.

This is a h-u-g-e mistake!  Here’s why:

Lets imagine you engage & hook her, and are now
in the connect stage.  (btw, in "The Natural Art of the Pick-
Up, I'll teach you these 3 stages to a naturally smooth encounter
with a beautiful woman)

You both quickly realize that you share the wonderful
commonality of hiking.

You feel that this is your "in", and you proceed to share
all sorts of stories and experiences with hiking.

You might even spend 10-15 minutes on this.

You then ask for her number, and she eagerly provides it.

You call the next day, only to get a lukewarm response from
her as she quickly gets off the phone.

If you've met some women in your time, particularly off of
a cold approach - I bet you've made that mistake before.

So what the heck happened here?

You’ve established rapport very deeply, all centered on
the topic of “hiking”.  She knows that you have that
one thing in common, but not much else.

Here is her mental process (which I've verified with women btw):

"Well, I liked him, he seems sweet and cute and
all, but could we talk about hiking for two hours on a
date?  I'm just not sure about giving away a Friday night
with the girls to hang with this guy.  If I felt more
comfortable about my time with him, I'd be willing - but I
just don't know if we have more than just hiking in common
and if the conversation would be awkward and

In order for a woman to look out over her calendar and be
willing to carve out 2-3 hours to be with you on a date,
she needs to feel CONNECTION (which is aka - comfort and

If she knows you only have one thing in common,
she will not feel comfortable giving you this amount of
time and you won't get the date.

Ideally, you want to discover 3 things in common with a
woman before you secure her phone number.

This is VERY strong & guarantees a date.

(that's right - guarantees)

So, if you want to play solid "game" and you have the time
and opportunity, go for 3.

For our purposes then, "wide rapport” is when you socially
develop 3 things in common with her.  This is the best
scenario for securing a date with a woman.

If you are introduced socially via a mutual friend then you
already have a clear advantage here as your mutual friend is
ONE of the commonalities.

This explains why meeting women thru your social circle is
such a good idea Schttrj.

A mutual friend (particularly if it is a woman) builds
tremendous comfort and trust.  

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