Thursday, January 28, 2010

0 Improve Your Game...

1. Master Your Body Language.

When talking to people, try to be in the dominate position (in the
center up against the bar).  Lean back often, take up space and
speak a bit louder than normal.

Do not fidget or do other social anxiety things.

Don't hold your drink in front of your chest, if you have a drink
hold it low in your LEFT hand, nobody wants to shake hands with a
cold hand.

Have strong posture, don't slouch or lean in to talk to people.
Think of how a cowboy or gun fighter would stand.  Mimic that.

Take up more space than you would normally.

Use kino early and often, but always in a friendly non-sexual way.
Use arm pats and brief touches when talking to people but nothing
creepy or sexual.   Touch other people in the group, not just the
hot girl you are trying to attract.  I love to touch with the back
of my hand on her upper arm when I am about to make a point or need
her attention.

Any chance you can to touch the back of a girls neck or hair is a
fantastic way to spike her attraction.  This is pretty easy once
you are fully engaged in an interesting conversation (for example
when playing Marry, Fuck Kill - you can lean in touch the back of
her neck and whisper who you would fuck and why).

When breaking eye contact, always break it to the side - never look
down after any sort of eye contact, it makes you look very
insecure.  This is a good characteristic to employ regardless of
where you are.

When giving a compliment, always maintain strong eye contact.  Hold
it for 1 second and smile, and look to the side (never down).

When toasting a drink (even a small toast, be sure to NOT toast
until she makes eye contact with you).  This is VERY powerful.

2. Learn How To Be Playful And To Flirt More

Have a few go to lines that I always use when teasing.  I love
saying "What is wrong with you?" with a big smile.  WHENEVER a girl
calls me a name (player, dork, "you suck", anything), ALWAYS reply
with the same thing like a little kid would.

For example:
Shelly: You are a dork
Bill: You're a dork! (said in a childlike playful way)

If she does anything awkward, ask her in a playful way (with a
smile): What's wrong with you?  Be careful though, you don't want
to be perceived as be mean or arrogant when flirting.

If she does something really socially awkward, don't tease her
about it.. that is not playful or fun.

Don't try to act cool it just makes you look insecure, just be a
confident leader.  Don't act like a clown... women don't sleep with

Without being creepy, let girls know by your words and actions that
you are a fun sexual being.  Sex with you is fun and normal.
Always have a 'somewhat' canned conversation to go to with a small
side story (we all have something crazy we have done that can be
brought up in conversation without it feeling forced).  I have an
amazing one, that I will sharing soon and it has never NOT gotten
an amazing response.  It is not uncommon to have a girl tell me
that I am her soul mate after this 'canned' discussion.  Remember,
it is not memorized, it is just an interesting topic that is fun
and playful and helps show her how spontaneous and fun I can be.

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