If you're a single guy still searching for your dream girl,
then I'm sure you've absorbed lots of advice on how best to
go about meeting and dating her by now. A lot of this sage
advice is also pretty much "common sensical" as you've
undoubtedly discovered by now.
Therefore, assuming you know enough not to show up on a first
date looking like you just combed your hair with an M-80 or
wearing cowboy boots and shorts, maybe a few of the following
ideas can give you just enough of an edge to make the
difference between Date #2 with an exciting little fox, and
a date with ol' Rosie Palm instead:
1) How NOT to Act like a Fake on a First Date
A woman often makes a far more profound emotional investment
into a relationship than a man does. So for her, TRUST is an
immensely important issue. Dating is not just a convenient
way to get her rocks off, rather it's a case study of the male
psyche. Can she trust you to be a good future father, for
Don't laugh -- unless she's middle-aged and well beyond the
having kids phase of her life, this "mating calculus" is
ALWAYS running somewhere in the back of a woman's mind.
Therefore, acting like a phony with an obviously fake 'come-on'
personality only demonstrates how easily you are willing to
embrace deception in order to get something you want -- thus
undermining your "trust quotient".
To any woman other than the sad exception of the chick who's
looking for another loser for her next AA reclamation project
(maybe 10% to 15% of the female population), you are TOTAL
POISON... a potential cheater and heartbreaker just waiting
for his next victim to arrive. She may dump you right away,
OR depending on the depth of her general bitterness towards
men, keep you around to engage in a little recreational
torture if she's got a vendetta to settle with a guy like you.
2) Create New Memories Instead of Swapping Them
Here's the very best dating advice I can ever give anyone:
in order to make any date memorable and fun, spend 90% of
your activities in the present moment.
It's very easy to get caught up in the deadly "talking trap"
on a date -- where the two of you sit around and get lost in
deeper and deeper conversation. These chatting dates can
slip out of control and become subtle passion-killers --
especially if you're not careful to keep the big picture in
Before you know it you're spilling your guts out about the
nasty abuse experienced at the hands Father Hamhands from
your altar boy days, or waxing poetic about your bleeding
hemorrhoids and how they love to swell up in the springtime.
For a seduction to go off like a thing of beauty, you must
reveal yourself slowly -- bit-by-bit -- as you gradually
come to know her. Think of dating as an emotional veil
dance... a striptease -- the point of which is to make her
anticipate when the next Veil of Male Mystery will come off!
This is the kind of thing she's been dreaming about all her
life. Why? Because it makes everything that's to follow
(including the sex) all that much more delicious for her!
So always try to stay active on a date (it doesn't have to
be an extreme sport-fest or anything, even something like
visiting a flea market will do...) so that you are
BUILDING a memory with her instead of SHARING one.
Focus on having experiences with her that the two of you
can reminisce about some day in the future -- instead of
spending time caught up in a lot of drawn-out amateur
psychotherapy sessions in a bar somewhere.
Conversation is very important in any new relationship,
and is the pathway to her eventual sexual surrender, but
you must provide her with a reason to WANT to know so
much about you before opening up your soul.
Never forget the importance of your veil dance!
3) Don't be a Bore
A boring person is anti-charismatic -- which is to say that,
instead of making people feel good about themselves by
acting interested in them, the boring person makes us want
to run away screaming from the agony of having to listen
to another second of his self-absorbed bullshit!
The point of any early conversational exchanges that you
have with a woman (beyond simple flirting of course,
which has a different purpose) should always be focused
on drawing HER interests out rather than dwelling upon your
own stuff (but don't come across like a ruthless Nazi
interrogator either... go easy on the breathless
Share a little bit of course -- but keep YOUR interests
lost in the background. Her response to a few casual
queries about her life or current dreams holds clues to
your LifeLine (which I talk about in Without Embarrassment).
Cling to it tightly and work on expanding its scope.
Submerge your own ego for the first few dates. Don't
worry, when you finally hook her she'll begin questioning
you intently... maybe TOO intently! But that probably
won't happen until after you've had sex with her.
(Then get ready for the onslaught!)
4) Forget about Trying to Act "Like Yourself"
The standard dating advice that you hear to "be yourself"
or "just act like yourself" (whatever the hell that means)
is pure horseshit. Romance is a world of fantasy and
dreams, and especially so for women. You need to learn
how to strike a balance between coming on like a
phony-baloney and seeming TOO safe and friendly.
Seduction is a delicate bubble that can be burst with
increasingly less effort as it ripens. A first date is
NOT the place to remain in the role of your everyday
average old sort of guy... that's spells B-O-R-I-N-G.
A spark must be present to ignite the fires of desire in
that deep primal portion of her brain!
When you think about it, it should be EASY for any guy to
get juiced up for a date... dating some new chick for the
very first time is not something that happens every day
in your life.
Face it, ordinary life sucks for the most part... romance
can be a welcome escape from the 9 to 5 daily drudgery of
work and all the other aggravations that torture us.
So treat this rare event for what it is... something unique,
unrepeatable and potentially unforgettable. And even if
she seems too cool to care, trust me... her hopeful
romance motor is humming in high gear as well!
5) Five Minutes of Nerves is Okay, then Calm Down
After some initial awkwardness due to understandable
jitters, you should be able to calm down and hit your
stride. If you have a real problem controlling automatic
body reactions to nervousness (bad sweating, stuttering,
facial twitching, etc.) my best advice is to get a book on
yoga and practice it WITH AN OPEN MIND.
You don't have to go nuts and join the Green Party or
anything, but DO try some of the deep breathing and
relaxation techniques. They really work and can give
you the self-control edge you might need. This will project
through in your attitude as a cool confidence that is the
unmistakable sign of a High Status Male!
Learn to always keep your movements around women graceful
and deliberate, almost like a snake charmer. Modulate
your voice in a throaty style (lowered volume) and keep
the tone of your words sounding almost a little bit
"conspiratorial" (without going overboard and making a
fool of yourself, of course).
The point is that a squeaky voice sounds fearful and
adolescent, so strive to keep your voice projection
strong and in check. (Rent a movie called Body Heat
(from 1984 I think) and study the vocal style of the lead
character Ned as portrayed by actor William Hurt.
His entire manner is just perfect for seduction and
absolutely drips with an edge of male mystery. Plus,
this movie is an awesome murder mystery that you'll
thoroughly enjoy as well.)
6) Obsession is the Hallmark of the Weak Male
Dominant males will show an interest in any attractive
woman they encounter because they are highly sexually
driven. But -- because they have many options with
females open to them -- they do NOT act obsessive
about any particular woman.
So don't be obsessed with her... just be interested.
Proclaiming ridiculously inappropriate nonsense like
"...I love you" or "You're the girl I've been
searching for my whole life..." on a first or second
date is the frightening talk of the potential stalker.
So chill out and behave like you've been down this
dating and mating road a few times already.
7) No Matter What Happens... Assume that She Likes
You, and Learn How to Believe It
I'm not kidding here... this is an essential Jedi mind trick
that you MUST somehow learn to play on yourself. Simply
ASSUME that any woman you're working will always like you --
and do whatever the hell it takes to sell this idea to your
unconscious mind!
Women can become mesmerized by men who seem to be captivated
by them, but this kind of vibe can only shine through your
body language if it's GENUINE -- and for that to happen,
you have to believe that she will respond favorably to
you... no matter what.
TRUTH. Your attitude is always a naked expression of your
unconscious beliefs about yourself. Therefore, it is
interpreted by others as revealing the absolute truth
about YOU... whether you like it or not. So learn to
control the self-image that you project by pushing all
crappy beliefs about yourself out of your brain.
And before long you'll soon have your pick of all the
best looking women in your world!
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