Wednesday, December 9, 2009

0 How To Be Powerful Around Women

When you play Poker, you always hide your bottom card
so no one will know what it is. Dating is no different. Don't
ever show your "bottom card" to a woman.

       Let me show you what I mean. For example, if you're
the owner of a construction company, you can just tell her
you're in "construction". Don't tell her you're an entrepreneur
with a Porsche, get it?

       Women love playing detective and getting information
out of you - so let them. Don't ruin their fun by offering
information about yourself. Or they are going to find you
boring by the second date and dump you by the third. You want
to remain mysterious!

       Furthermore, hiding your "bottom card" will allow you
to seem MUCH more powerful and dominant. In Poker, if everyone
knows what your faced-down card is, then there isn't any point
to playing since you can't bluff. In dating, if a woman knows
everything about you, then you will seem less powerful.

       Powerful people are powerful because nobody knows
just how powerful they are. Cult leaders never reveal anything
about themselves. Politicians never let you know about their
backup plans. Armies always hide their true strengths until
they attack.

       Do the same with women. Don't boast too much. Let her
find out things about you. This way, she has absolutely no
idea about how exactly powerful you are, so she will just
think you're a real powerhouse or guru, get it?

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