Sunday, December 13, 2009

0 Sexual Tension - Scott P.

So what is sexual tension? Well it's that feeling of "unresolved
emotion" a woman experiences in a conversation with a man.

This feeling is similar to the emotions a woman experiences when
she reads her favorite romance novel (or watches a soap opera).

At the beginning there's conflict. Then the characters work
to fix that problem and go through a series of obstacles. At the
end, there's a climax where the hero overcomes the conflict. And
if the writer is good enough, he (or she) will introduce ANOTHER
bit of drama at the end to set up a "cliff hanger".

When it comes to women, you want to use your conversation skills
to create that same feeling of tension. But you're going to do
in a manner where her "unresolved emotion" is directed towards

How do you do this?

It's simple. You use what's often called "Push and Pull". This
is where you create sexual tension by showing your interest in a
girl, while not showering her with affection either.

Think of it as the give-and-take of any encounter with a woman.
The idea is to do things that pull women towards you, after which
you push them away.

It's an advanced form of teasing that (if done correctly) will
draw practically any woman to you.

Think about it this way: If you know someone who very rarely
compliments others, you would be extremely flattered if he
actually did say something nice to you. His words have a certain
value tacked onto them, due simply to their scarcity. In fact, it
wouldn't be farfetched to say that you'd go to greater lengths to
receive similar compliments from them.

It's the SAME idea when creating tension with a woman!

For instance, consider the "nice guy." He approaches a woman he's
attracted to, showers her with compliments, agrees with
everything coming out of her mouth, and more. And because his
affection is unlimited, she very rarely appreciates it.

On the other hand, with push and pull, you do stuff that sends
mixed signals to women. They're never sure where they stand with
you, and in effect, you become a challenge.

You're an unpredictable mystery that she feels compelled to

Now if you're a little confused, here's how to use EACH in a

===> Pulling

The pull element of this technique is just that: You're pulling
(or drawing in) a woman towards you through your flirtatious
nature. Or saying something that's *almost* complimentary.

The key is to say something that doesn't come across as needy OR

For instance, you should never comment on a woman's physical
attributes when first meeting her. Remember - this is what other
guys do, and you are one-of-a-kind. Instead, focus on her
personality, intellect, etc.

Another thing to remember is to not lay on the flattery too thick.
When pulling a girl in, hint at something that you *might* like,
but you're still not sure.

Decide one part of her personality you like, and comment solely
on that. No matter what, keep in mind that your pull is NEVER
complete acceptance. You're simply giving a compliment that shows
that you're sort of interested in her.

===> Pushing

First, allow me to stress one thing: Pushing is NEVER an insult
(nor does it involve shoving her physically to the ground.)

It's merely a hint that you might not be all that interested in
her after all. If done correctly, you'll grab her attention; if
done incorrectly, it'll destroy the fun, flirty vibe you've
created up to this point.

And she'll tell all her friends to do the same thing.

For example, let's say you're talking to a woman. You've pulled
her in through the usual methods of approaching: strong body
language, mild touching, or a few engaging stories.

Then you compliment her on something that's related to her
personality or something she's done during the conversation.
Your next tactic should be to push her away, which you could
accomplish by saying something that causes a little bit of
conflict in the nice thing you've just told her.

Confused by what I just told you? Well here's a quick example to
illustrate this concept:

Say you encounter a girl who seems like a nice person, you would
start by saying something like:

" seem like a really nice girl. The kind that's probably
all innocent and stuff."


"Yeah, that's probably why we could NEVER hang out. Because I
would definitely hurt your feelings with all my sarcastic
comments. I don't think you could keep up with me..."

Etc, etc, etc.

This example shows how you start with a compliment. But as SOON
as you say it, you're almost giving her a challenge. You're
creating tension because you're literally forcing her to live up
to YOUR expectations.

A comment like this creates a sense of tension within a woman
where she subconsciously feels like she has to rise to meet your

I feel that sexual tension is a VERY important element to
creating a huge amount of sexual attraction. Do this correctly
and it's like you have her under YOUR hypnotic spell.

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