Wednesday, September 16, 2009

0 #7- Radiate a Positive Attitude

We've all seen someone like this...He's got a frown on his face,
never seems to have fun, and is ALWAYS pointing out the negatives
of any situation. You know any time spent with this person won't
be fun. In fact, you'll probably feel pessimistic about life
after being around a guy like this.

It's a fact that emotions are contagious, and one sour apple can
ruin the good vibes of any happy group.

What's more is that people instinctually gravitate away from a
pessimist, whereas an optimistic person acts almost as a magnet
for others. This is no less true when it comes to success with

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When a natural gets rejected, he doesn't fill his head with
negative self-talk. Instead he looks for the lesson learned and
simply MOVES ON to the next girl.

When you're meeting a girl for the first time, there is
absolutely no call for pessimism. In a sense, it's a self-
fulfilling prophecy. Through your actions, you're showcasing your
own self-limiting beliefs to her. Why on earth would she want to
be with someone of such low worth?

Relationships aside, being positive is an important part of your
overall identity. You'd be amazed at the power of the mind.
Simply by thinking positively or negatively, you can turn any
situation into a good or bad one. Why not focus your mental
energy on enhancing your life?

What's past should be left in the past. Everyone confronts
adversity in their lives; the important thing is to prevent those
experiences from impacting the present, and hence, the future.

The point is that your outlook ultimately determines your success
in both life and love. No matter what happens when you're
dealing with women, look for the positives in the situation...

...Even if you've been rejected!

And as I mentioned before, people (especially women) are
naturally drawn to the guys who radiate an upbeat, happy
personality. So even if you're not feeling 100%, you'll at
least want to put on a happy face and ACT like you're in a great

Surprisingly, even when you're faking a positive attitude, you'll
start to actually FEEL that way!
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