And this is where your New Years
Resolution falls: Because meeting
5 new women twice per week is a
great way to get more social.
Also, focus on talking to at least
a handful of strangers - guys AND
girls - Every day, as well.
Being more social makes you more
relaxed and calm around women.
And this relaxation will help women
feel comfortable around you, as well.
5 new women twice per week
is a goal I'd recommend for ANYONE
who's interested in getting better
with women.
Whether it's going for the phone
number or leaning in for the first
kiss, a major resolution of yours
should be to be more aggressive!
Kiss her when it's time.
Ask her for her phone number.
And use The DiCarlo Escalation
ladder when it comes time to
get intimate.
My friend Julian just told me a
story about last night, where he
was about to go home alone
from a failed first date.
He was at a restaurant, grabbing
a bite to eat when he got his
waitress to sit down next
to him...
... Then looked her straight in
the eyes and asked her if
she wanted to go home with
Now, I don't recommend doing
this exactly word for word... but...
So whenever you feel like you're
being "too" aggressive with a
woman, keep that story in mind.
Being more aggressive with women
will make your 2010 your most
successful year with women,
That's my promise to you. :-)
About 10 years ago, there was a movie
about space traveling actors who
saved the day.
I admit - It was a terrible movie. The
acting was 2nd rate, the scenery was
flimsy and cardboard... But I LOVED
the movie!
And I loved the movie because the
main character was a charismatic
leader of a man. And his catchphrase
"Never give up! Never surrender!"
That catch-phrase has gotten
me at least HALF of the women
I've slept with and dated, over
the years.
Here's the point:
When a woman doesn't text or
call you back, it's not the end
of the world!
Just text or call her back. And even
if you ruin the relationship (say you
get caught cheating, or she throws
a drink in your face)...
... Just stop talking to her for a month
and then text her a nice, friendly,
NoFlakes! approved text, after
a month.
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