Thursday, December 24, 2009

0 RSD - Deserve the girl you want!

*** QUESTION ***

jlaix... my question is, have you ever wondered why some of
the really hot girls out there would want to be with you.

Because some times i dont approach the really hot girls
because i wonder: man these girls could have any guy they
wanted...a pro athlete, soem big shot actor, anyone....why
would she chose me? why would she want to be with me?....

I was just wondered if you ever have gone through something
like this and how i can get over it? Because the skil-set i
want is to get the 10's but i dont appraoch sometimes because
it's like... it just be a waste because this girl could
chose anyone she wanted....why would she pick me?...

i was just wondering how you would get over something like
this? or if you ever have had to and how you did it?

any advice?
also, i want the skill-set of being able to get the hottest
girls but i always think its gotta be harder...or something..
YEt, i know its not harder, it's just different as people
have told me....but why is it different?

what do i have to do to get these girls? whats do they mean
by different?

>>>>>> MY REPLY:

 Hey Sam,

Great question.  I'll answer it simply -- YOU DESERVE IT.

Whatever you want in your life, you deserve.  That's like
saying why do I deserve a great body or lots of money.
Because you want it, and you can have it.

Your letting a limiting belief get in your way instead of
just taking action.  You've got to believe that you deserve
the girls else, you're right they won't come.

There's an old saying that goes, "Whether you think you can
or think you can't, you're right."  You, my friend, are right!
If you don't think you deserve them, they won't come.

Take this from me a guy who didn't feel that he deserved
women for 3 years.  I wanted to find that special girl, so I
went on a quest to make myself better. Thing is, that I
didn't think I deserved her just yet.

There's a story of a man who said he wanted a million
dollars, so that he could start a private school. He hoped
for years, and then one day he decided to really do something
about it.

He decided that by the end of the week, he would have the
money or die trying.  And lo and behold, on the seventh day,
he did get the money. Same is true with the women you

They are right below your nose, and you are ready for them.

You just need to have the certainty that you deserve them.

If that means re-engineering your life so that you truly feel
you're giving the kind of value a "10" would be attracted to,
then get out there and make it happen!

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