Saturday, February 6, 2010

0 5 mistakes on a first date

OK, on to the advice. Here are some first date
tips you MUST remember ...

First, control the environment. Select a
comfortable location which you're very familiar
with. Don't leave anything to chance.

(For example, a restaurant where you know the
staff and the best dishes on the menu, or a bar
where you know the manager or doorman. Not
only does this ensure a smooth experience, but
it also makes you look knowledgeable and socially

For first dates, you should have an "A," "B" and
"C" location. If location A is closed or too crowded,
switch to B, and so on.

(DON'T try out a new place on a first date. If you
want a new experience, do it on date #3 or #4.)

Why the backup plan? Because the location you've
selected could be closed for renovations.

Or bad weather might ruin the plan.

Or her psycho steroid-freak ex-boyfriend, the one
she never told you about, might be unexpectedly
hanging out there.

The point is, you must ALWAYS have a second
location ready to take her to at a moment's notice.

(I should also note, stay away from nightclubs.
They're chaotic, unpredictable, and often filled
with liquored-up dudes who will mack on your
girl the moment you hit the bathroom.)


Next...keep your spending to a minimum. With
first dates, never try to impress her by taking
her to a nice restaurant. This puts you in the
WRONG position.

This is her chance to sell herself to YOU,
not the other way around. Meet her for coffee
(not at a Starbucks -- find a cool, non-generic,
comfortable coffee shop for dates).

Or, meet her for drinks. Again, skip the
places that everyone knows, and find "date
locations" that will show her you're an
original type of guy who knows the cool
"off the radar" spots.

(BONUS TIP: Make her feel extra special by
saying to her, "This is one of my favorite
places. I think of it as my private sanctuary,
I never bring anyone here. But I thought you'd
enjoy it so I wanted to show it to you.")

Look, when a guy drops a bunch of cash on
a girl he hardly knows, the date becomes
burdened with expectations.

He's thinking, "I'd BETTER get some action
at the end of the night after spending this

And she's thinking, "now this guy probably
EXPECTS me to put out, but if I do, he'll
think I can be bought and paid for ..."

See, it's awkward for both people. Don't
spend unnecessary cash. Keep it on a
casual Mack level and control the flow.

Next, keep the date brief. Two hours or less
is usually perfect, so don't plan some all-day
activity. You want an escape hatch in case the
chick turns out to have some serious personality

Unless the sparks are flying and things are
headed for a first-date hookup, it's better
to cut things short.

(Say, "Well I've got a huge day tomorrow,
I need to be up early ... I had a great time,
we'll have to do this again soon.")

Remember the first rule of showbiz: "Leave
'em wanting more." You can seal the deal the
next time you see her.

Also remember, let her do most of the talking.
Be a good listener and ask questions that
prompt her to open up and share with you.

Maintain the attitude that this is HER chance
to impress YOU. It's better to be vague and
cultivate a sense of mystery around yourself.

You don't need to lie, but you CAN be vague.
If you were a bank teller, you could play it
like this...

HER: "So what do you do for a living?"

YOU: "I'm in the financial industry. Let's
just say it involves a lot of pressure and a
lot of money changing hands, but I'm good
at what I do and I love every minute."

Then, change the subject. Keep the spotlight
on HER. Women love to talk about themselves,
and share, and they appreciate a guy who

The more details she shares with you, and
the more you seem to appreciate what she's
saying, the more it feels to her like a
connection is building.

Finally...DON'T split the check. Some women
try to be "progressive" or show their independence
by offering to pitch in some money. If she does,
politely decline and pick up the check.

But here's the trick: you've got to make her
feel like she EARNED it. Tell her, "It's my treat
tonight. I appreciate your company and I've
really enjoyed hearing about (insert something
she was telling you about herself: her job, her
goals, somewhere interesting she visited, etc)."

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