Hey, it's Carlos Xuma here...
What I'm going to give away in this newsletter each week are secrets
that most guys will never know about how attraction REALLY works -
and how you can get more dates - and women - into your life.
Not only that, but you're going to learn techniques and skills that
work with the QUALITY women out there. And I pay attention to the
quality of your whole life, with women or without.
If you're like me, you want to at-tract the women that REALLY catch
your attention and awaken your masculinity.
This is what I call the "high-quality female," or the "Alpha" Woman.
Something you'll notice is that I don't JUST talk about how to get
better with women.
Don't get me wrong here - that's an important goal. I know you
want that kind of success in your life.
It's just that you also have to attend to the Big Picture of your
life, or the whole "chasing women" thing actually can LOWER the
quality of your life.
I'm going to show you some stuff that will really blow your mind...
** If you're in a hurry, by the way, you can just jump here:
Let's get started with this lesson in your Alpha Man e-course...
Have you ever had the experience of seeing a very striking,
magnetic woman that you wanted to meet, but some little voice in
your head kept trying to talk you out of it?
It's like there's some strange second personality we've got installed
in our brains that takes over just when we're about to do something
we WANT to do.
And as much as you want to go over and talk to her,
you feel totally and completely PARALYZED from doing it.
It's just like some big invisible bouncer is holding your arms and
legs and keeping you from doing it.
And you're going along with him!
You're fighting it in your head, but you can't seem to break out of
this spell you're in.
I tell you, man, I've been there before. I used to force myself to
get out of the house (because I knew the woman I wanted wasn't
going to come knocking on my door. Especially in the neighborhood
I lived in at the time. :)
This was years back, but I remember it like it was yesterday.
When I went out, I'd inevitably end up at a bar, watching other
people having fun, and I couldn't figure out how to be as interesting
socially as they were.
I didn't even know what I would say if I walked over and talked
to a couple women.
I mean, I'd even watch guys walk up and just start talking with
women, and I thought they were like a secret society of guys
who had this approaching skill - and I didn't.
But a part of me knew that was completely wrong. They have
the same physical biology that I had, and I knew that our brains were
all pretty much the same.
Then I realized that the only difference between me and that guy
who was actually approaching was that he was THINKING
That's it!
He believed something different than I did, and that was what he
used to give himself "permission" to break free and go talk to
the women he was interested in.
I also knew that if I only knew what the hell to SAY to her when
I walked up, I'd be set.
So I started watching and listening.
Honestly, what they were saying wasn't anything special most of
the time. I heard things like:
"Hey, how's it going?"
I was amazed that this could work with women, but it did. And
not because of the words, either. I'll come back to that in a bit.
"How are you doing tonight?"
Yeah, not much different than the first one. If anything, I thought
these guys were so UN-original. Was that the best they could do?
Then I realized what I was doing...
I was trying to find a more complicated solution than I needed.
Here I was, watching guys that weren't even all that great looking,
and they were getting success, and I kept looking for something
else to show me how to solve my problem.
When it was right in front of me all the while...!
Because what I saw happening AFTER these guys walked up
was that they would all start talking about small talk stuff, and
after a while they would all be laughing and having a good time.
THAT was the solution I was looking for, but it took me a lot
longer to figure it out...
You see, what I needed to do was just go over to these women
and bring them some FUN.
Yeah, that sounds like an over-simplification, but that's all these
women seemed to want.
But what I realized even later on in my quest was that it wasn't
really the fun that made those guys overcome their fear of walking
up and approaching...
It was the BELIEF that they were going to be fun when they got there.
As they say, though, that's simple, but not necessarily EASY.
So I'm going to give you a quick 5 step path to overcoming your
own fear of approaching women. It's a very simple process that
anyone can use to get into a conversation with a woman, anytime
and anywhere.
Let's start with...
APPROACH STEP 1: Obey the Three Second Rule...
When you see a woman you want to meet, you only have about 3
seconds before that voice in your head tries to talk you out of it.
If you wait too long, he gets control over you and you're paralyzed.
Don't let it get you...
The second you see a woman, you start walking over and talking
to her and her friends. You might think you need more time to
"think of something" to say, but you don't. What really happens is
that your brain gets trapped in the anxiety of the moment, and fear
stops you.
Just walk over. The only thing you need is faith and a good opening,
and I'm about to give you both...
APPROACH STEP 2: Fix Your Body Language...
The second you start moving toward the women, throw your chest
out and your shoulders back. Lift your chin so that you're almost
looking down your nose a little. This might feel awkward at first,
but that's only because you aren't used to it.
Fix your posture, and your confidence will actually move up a notch
or two as well.
This is because we link emotional states in our mind to physical states in our body.
Now you're ready to...
APPROACH STEP 3: Set a Limit...
You need to feel safe when you walk up to women. What
causes most of your anxiety is the thought that you could be rejected
or feel foolish around them.
By giving yourself (and them) a limit to how long you'll talk to
them, you actually lower your anxiety level and you will relax.
You'll have a much better vibe.
You simply make this the first thing out of your mouth:
"I was just on my way out, but..."
"I was just going to meet up with my friend, but..."
All you're doing here is giving these women a context for your
approach. They're always going to want to know the answer to the
question "Why are you here talking to me?"
AND you're also telling them that you have somewhere else to go,
which makes you less likely to panic when you start the conversation.
Remember - you've got a ripcord that will allow you to safely
parachute out of the approach.
This will give you some faith.
Now you need...
APPROACH STEP 4: Open the conversation...
I'm going to give you my priceless, guaranteed opening that works
just about every time. It's easy, it's painless, and you can now
get rid of that "what do I say?" excuse in your head that stops you
from approaching.
Here it is...
You ready?
You sure?
Sorry, I like to tease things out sometimes... :)
Here's what you say:
"I wanted to let you know that you have a really nice energy about
you. My name is..."
And then introduce yourself. She'll give you her name, and then
you simply ask a quick, funny question about wherever it is that you
If you're in a store, you say: "So you came here to shop the magnetic
strip off your Visa card?"
Or if you're in a bar, you can say, "So you came here to recruit
people for your church, right?"
Don't try to be TOO clever with this. You don't need to be!
All you need to do is get a little laugh so that you break her
tension just enough to show you're a cool dude.
Because you want to get to the next step quickly...
APPROACH STEP 5: Close and make a gentle exit...
Your goal is to get her invested in the interaction so that she has
something to lose if she doesn't talk to you again. This investment
she feels must exceed her built in fear that you might be just
another complication in her life.
This is how you stop the "flaking" that women do...!
It's a winning strategy, but it takes a little practice to get
the hang of it.
I know that guys everywhere would kill to have this one in their
bag o' tricks with women.
The best way I've found is to find something you have in common
that SHE is interested in, and promising some kind of payoff
related to it.
For example, let's say you're in a music store, and you find that
she's picking up a copy of the latest "My Chemical Romance" disc.
You make a comment of:
"You know, I've got a great clip of them live in concert. I usually
have it on my phone, but I had to clear it off. Give me your number
and if we meet up again I'll show it to you. You'd love it..."
If her eyes brighten up and she gets a little excited, you can
guess that this is a great "anti-flake" hook point that you've
found. Good job!
Make sure you get her to put her number in your phone, and then
ring her right there so that she can program your name in her
phone. (This avoids her seeing a number she doesn't recognize later
BOOM... Mission accomplished.
The next time you talk to her you can mention it and use it as a
bridge to your next meeting. (Just don't focus on it TOO much, or
it will feel a bit too much like you're baiting her.)
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