sexual one), you HAVE to build trust.
Now gaining a woman's trust is easier said than done, and
unfortunately, you probably won't sleep with her if she doesn't
trust you first. Remember that practically all women are
socialized to never trust a man's intentions.
A fear of damaging their reputations (not to mention the
possibility of pregnancy or sexually-transmitted diseases) makes
them very cautious of men, sex, and the combination of the two.
The first step to gaining her trust is to actually BE a
trustworthy guy. This is a hard thing for a lot of guys. Many
have difficulty with telling the truth when we know we're going
to say something she might NOT like.
But I've learned over the years that honesty is usually the
best policy...EVEN if I'm about to say something that would
make her not want to be with me.
For instance, if you're NOT looking for a relationship, then
NEVER tell a girl that you are. Trust me, it saves you a lot
of future headaches when you're upfront with a woman.
Now I'm NOT saying you should detail your entire history to
every woman you meet. Instead, I'm saying you should practice
the art of being straight forward and candid with the women
you're dating.
They might not like what you have to say, but they'll at least
RESPECT your integrity. This is part of being the HIGH status
men that women want:
The next step for gaining her trust is to make HER earn YOURS.
Some guys have trouble understanding this concept. In order to
be perceived as an honest guy, you shouldn't be one of those
guys who goes to great lengths to prove his integrity.
It's similar to that old saying where "You should never trust
a man who tells you how honest he is..."
The SECRET to making her comfortable around you is not work TOO
hard for her trust. Instead you'll want to address HER fears in
a humorous manner. As an example here are some questions that a
woman asks herself when she first meets a man:
** "Will I be safe around him?"
** "Is he going to use me for sex?"
** "Is he a stable, normal person?"
** "Does he want a relationship or is he a 'player'?"
I've found the quickest way to alleviate any anxiety she has
is to take some of the most common worries a woman has and
accuse HER of have these qualities.
So as you're talking to a girl, you could say something like:
"You're not one of those creepy, serial killer types are you?
Should I worry about being alone with you?"
Why does this work? Because you're basically telling a girl that
you UNDERSTAND the fear she might have. And by doing it in a
teasing, flirting manner, you're saying that you 'get it'. A
comment like this tells her that you know she has some fears, but
you're an okay, normal guy.
I've found that this technique is an excellent way to build
trust. When you accuse her of acting like a creepy guy, you're
showing a special insight into the psychology of women. This
makes you seem more likeable and in the end more TRUSTWORTHY.
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