Saturday, July 4, 2009

0 Understand Female Sexuality - Know How to Give a Female Orgasm

I’m sharing what one of my friends, Prama, a well-established copywriter and editor along with being a very beautiful girl in her mid-twenties, feels about today’s men…. And remember, she is disclosing one of the most important subjects on earth, the female orgasm and the female sexuality. This is what she feels. “Men like to gawk at women as a mere curvaceous body which attracts and arouses them. But do they ever try to feel the woman? Do they understand the female sexuality? They don’t know how to satisfy a woman. Every woman is different from inside; no single surefire formula that will assuredly make a woman cum. All those stepwise methods that have been followed conventionally since ages- foreplay, seduction and intercourse, do not guarantee you give a female an orgasm. Very few women have actually experienced an actual so-called out-bursting female orgasm with their spouses; what they have always done is making a fake scream just to keep up with the excitement of their bed-partners. They just don’t know what female sexuality is and how to give a female orgasm…. I can hear some person racking their brain out to find what the female sexuality is. My advice to them is, don’t take it as a rocket science. FEEL IT. Female sexuality is something they feel. Female sexuality is something you feel when you are around a woman. It’s the nature glowing right through them. And that makes us feel like a man. That in short is female sexuality. You understand what female sexuality is but you still don’t have an idea how to give a female orgasm. You have tried various videos on female orgasm, books written by experts on the same subject but it still is a bit vague. That very same friend, who quoted the above part, also suggested another great tip for men on how to give a female orgasm. She feels that making love is a pure experience and it is not to be studied like a subject on biology but rather it should be seen as a poem. You should read it. You should let it seep into you and grow upon you. You should discover it. A bit of knowledge sure helps but the main lessons come from real life. “…Seduce her mind first for mutual satisfaction and pleasure. To start with, discuss your wild erotic fancies with her and make her imagine how divine the whole ecstatic experience is going to be. Keep her longing for that very moment so that the raw animal urge peaks up and fills her with an overwhelming love-splash at the right moment…” You should slowly imbibe the art of giving someone the best time of her life, the moaning, the crying, the trembling, the ecstatic female orgasm, into yourself.
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