Okie, a new post from your old friend (I'm only 23 years old, mind it) on the game, not on The Game. Don't be confused, buddy. The Game was a book of its kind that was written by Neil Strauss aka Style and focuses on the venture of the dorky guy to being one of the world's most respected dating coach. You can get it at any popular book stall and I can surely say you will like it. I'm not actually advertising it or promoting it in a new way. To tell you the truth, I started out reading The Mystery Method, written by Mystery, the coach of Neil Strauss over his transformation of a lifetime experience. But when I read The Game, it was more of an entertainment book with a subtle throwing of light on the secret community. Oh, you don't know what the secret community is...Don't worry, I will tell you some other day. Now, let me speak on what I want, you got it. Lol.
If you have been aware of this women thing and all set out to get them or just get one, as you wish, you would be surprised by how they all name it as a game. They say "Love is a game!" And to be a good lover, you need to be a good player!
Doesn't it sound a little negative and....umm, repulsive? Yes, it does and it did to me also when I heard it for the very first time and realised that there is a game going on between the guy and the girl.
But I was ever curious about everything and I wanted to delve further into it. I wanted to know, why can't I just go and say to the girl that I love her. Well, that's what we all want to do and most of do it in a nervous diffident and unsure manner, don't we? No, then what the act of sending flowers, giving chocolates and so on mean. You are trying to show that you are interested in her.
But we forget something. IT IS A GAME and THE FUN IS IN THE GAME ONLY! If you skip that game part, you are depriving that woman of the fun that she deserves and she wants.
We have to understand that game is nothing but a dating ritual. This is the true dating ritual, as opposed to the dinner and movie thing that is considered to be the dating ritual by most of us.
You know when you want something, the enjoyment, the fun is not in getting the thing actually but rather in the tension that you are going to get that thing. This helps us to get some interest in the thing and thus, makes us get to know it better. Just think of it practically. There are millions of guys and girls. And now you are looking for your perfect girl. How do you know who is she? You can try out each and every one or you can just look for the signs that hint you that this might be the one and go for it. So, what are the signs that I'm talking about? The signs are the game. When you game, you throw out signs towards the specific person to convince her that you are quality and you can make a good boyfriend or girlfriend. Otherwise if you would just go up to her and say "I want to be your boyfriend", do you think that is going to work? Never.
But when we talk of gaming a girl or gaming a boy, we immediately create a false image that I'm just faking with the boy or the girl and I don't have any true emotions for him or her; it's just a play for me. Let me tell you thing, I've been in this "game" for a long time and that also, consciously and aware of what is happening with or around me. Believe me guys, we don't want to be false, we don't want to be fake, there is no satisfaction in just playing with a girl. The true satisfaction only comes through submerging yourself in the exploring, adventuring and enjoyment in the feminine energy of the girl. And that only comes when you truely feel for a girl. When you truely feel that you cannot do without that girl. YOU NEED TO BE TRUE FROM YOUR SIDE!
But then, you are being true, that's good, but you have to show the girl that you are her level, you get me? You are her level. Your value is equal or more to her value, whether it be social, mental or physical. And for this reason, there is the game.
We have a very wrong interpretation of the game and what I'm doing here is just clarifying what it means.
So, my point is don't just play the game but play it coming from a honest place, your heart.
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