Here's a rule I've discovered:
"friends" don't playfully touch women;
"boyfriends" do
Landing a subtle, smooth touch onto a woman when you first
meet her sends a signal. This deft skill is called "kino".
(it's sort of an odd name, I agree)
Yes, what we're talking about here is actually, physically
touching a girl. It creates a bit of tension, and if done
correctly that tension can become sexual (which is the goal).
At some point in the interaction, you need to establish
some physical contact with her.
This serves to emphasize that you aren't afraid to advance
yourself physically (which is very sexual), AND that you
aren't afraid to retreat either (which helps build
trust). See that?
Let's start by covering the BAD way to do kino:
You wrap your arm around her and force her to stay with you
You awkwardly hold her hand never letting it go
In general, you go too far and keep it going for WAY TOO LONG...
This is aggressive, caveman like behavior, which loses MASSIVE
trust with women. The idea with kino is to enter AND leave
her space. She might feel a bit uncomfortable when you
enter (sure) but, if you can smoothly leave her physical
space you will actually relieve the tension, helping her to
see that you won't embarrass her, or make her feel too
uncomfortable by staying in her space.
This, interestingly, helps to build TRUST. She can see,
directly via your kino technique, that you aren't just
trying to cop a feel, or “make a move” on her.
Instead, you are confident enough to dance on the edge a
bit, and touch her, and then back off.
If you have built some attraction, this is incredibly
Kino is GREAT in the connect stage.
It will emphasize your being in the "romantic" category with
her, and further emphasize your NOT being in the "friends"
It also shows her, in a microcosmic way, how comfortable
YOU are with being physical. If you do this well, you can
create sexual feelings in her body, as a sneak preview of
what's to come we hope.
Here are some examples:
- To make a point, touch her hand/arm and say: "Listen, I'm
a firm believer in living life to the fullest, but you can't
harm people in the process" (said seriously). Making a
point while touching her arm is a basic kino technique.
- If you are walking somewhere together, give her a simple
touch and squeeze on the shoulder when you are by her side,
or if she's in front of you grab both of her shoulders and
subtly "steer" her while massaging her. This is both
comforting and positive, while also being dominant.
- If you notice her clothing, reach out and feel it "Wow,
is this silk? It's so soft...must feel so amazing to wear
- If she says something funny, give a slight push to the
shoulder as you laugh. Think, Elaine on Seinfeld (just not
as strong of course!). This is a very teasing & playful
move, and would work well in the hook stage too.
- If you are walking somewhere, simply put your fist by
your waist and throw your elbow out and nod to it. This
will tell her to lock her arm with yours to do the "Paris
Promenade" style walk. This is VERY powerful, and should
be done when/if you venue change.
- "That story is intense" (if she tells a personal story)
and reach out and relax her shoulder with a short massage.
To hold hands, there are two ways:
1) Walk a bit in front of her, and just throw your open
hand behind you without saying a word. She'll get the
2) If you’re seated, (and you're about to get up) get up
first and offer your hand as an assistance to her. Then,
just keep holding it when you're standing up. (holding
hands when seated is sort of weird., a bit high schoolish
at the movies - I don't suggest it).
I provide these examples to give you a sense of how best to
kino, though the situations you're about to find yourselves
in will dictate what best to do.
I suggest trying some of these out as I've outlined them
above FIRST as a way to familiarize with Kino then to begin
to invent unique moves in the moment. Remember, this is a
very powerful, yet subtle technique which shows her:
1) That you are absolutely OK with invading her space,
revealing confidence & dominance, AND;
2) You show her that you know how to LEAVE her space,
providing comfort and trust.
You won't embarrass her or make her feel too uncomfortable,
in other words – a winning combination, to say the
Here’s a little side note about kino, which you should know
about. If done very well, kino can give her a little glimpse
into how comfortable you are with your body, and with hers.
To women, this says a lot about how smooth you can be in the
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Thursday, September 17, 2009
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Hey guys, I'm Ron.
I've actually spent my last two to three years studying about women and dating.
I want to share my knowledge and collection with you all.
Thank you.
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