Thursday, September 17, 2009
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0 Attitude - Stephen Nash
Posted by Unknown on 2:19 PM · 0 comments
GUYS THAT GET THIS AREA HANDLED HAVE ZERO CHALLENGES WITH WOMEN...(do the caps convey that I am screaming? Cause I am!)
Let's assume that you are like most people, feeling somewhat trapped in your job and you wake up grumpy in the mornings trying to find the energy to head out to "the office".
This job serves you in some way, otherwise you wouldn't have it. It could
just be a paycheck to you. In fact the majority of people see their jobs as a necessary evil, and not as a place to express their intelligence and creativity.
There are two things though that you have massive control over right now that I am going to discuss.
The first is your attitude.
If you hate your job, you are forgetting that you are lucky to have one, and that you could spend that "hateful" energy in a positive way by looking for another job, or changing your career path! Make sense?
I am not sure why, but most of us out there lose sight of what we have in favor of being resentful at what we do NOT have!
Amazing, but true.
If you REALLY hate your job, find another one. If you hate your career, take action and become self-employed or go back to school. Yes, these things take time, but it is remarkable to witness the power of change in one's attitude when they simply make a decision to begin this process of change.
If this describes you, take stock of this and formulate a plan of action that works for you. Do not, for example, make the mistake of quitting your job before you have another one.
Don't add the negative emotion of financial insecurity (anxiety, the American killer) to your plate. Be intelligent and put yourself into action. Find gratitude for the current job that feeds, clothes and shelters you.
If you like and are fulfilled with your work, you are in the minority, and I congratulate you.
The key is to have a positive attitude on a daily basis: to see the glass half full, rather than half-empty.
If you don't like your current reality, take action to change it. Empower yourself by stepping out of the victim role, and taking action as soon as you finish reading this e-letter, OK Schttrj?
The other area that you have control over is how you spend the rest of your time (this is the biggie).
What do you do when you aren't banging away at the office computer all day? Are you a couch potato? Are you out of shape? Do you have an active social circle? Are you involved in any hobbies?
Most of us spend our free time haphazardly, and we call it "spontaneity" or "relaxing". I do not suggest that you manage your time down to the second.
But, I am suggesting that you use this time to encourage more happiness and joy in your daily lives. If you are a great cook, throw a dinner party to
revitalize your social circle.
If you love to swim, join a swim club at the local gym.
Perhaps you love sports - get involved in a local league that is gender-mixed. The outlets for your interests are countless.
It might require a little imagination, but you must get involved in the world if you want to bring more positive emotions into your life.
To bring it back to our primary aim, this is more ATTRACTIVE to women.
Even if you aren't naturally outgoing, being "out there" in the stream of life as fully as you can is critical to shaping your personality.
You will also meet more people - naturally - and raise your chances drastically for meeting women.
By engaging in activities/hobbies that you are naturally interested in - guess what? You will automatically be around more women with
similar interests. I know - pretty obvious, but counter-intuitive to many guys.
The fringe benefits to being active and involved in your life in this way are a sense of meaning and connection.
Every man deserves this and is responsible for taking the necessary actions to create this reality (and I'm about to summarize a way to get started).
So many people live a life that is out of balance, spending a dominant portion of their time and energy "on the job", for example.
Balancing work and "other" time is critical because it allows other parts
of your personality to come forward and be expressed. This helps round you to speak...
It gives more of a variety of experiences to draw from when relating to other
people (storytelling anyone? Want to tell stories from your day at work, or from the cool Asian cooking course you're currently taking...see how this works?), as well as providing other outlets to meet people enhancing your social circle.
The short answer to the question "how do I meet tons of women with things in common with me?" is to simply head out and do the things you want to do, and take the risk to meet the other people there doing it with you.
See how that works?
In my experience, the eight areas of life that need to be balanced into a healthy lifestyle are:
*Career/Work - In the ideal world, we all love our work. In the real world, we do not. Find a way to be grateful for your job, and useful. You will spend a lot of time at work, better to have a positive experience while there. Then, get actively involved in building a better work life for yourself. Being active releases positive emotions, as you begin to feel more and more like the pilot of your life!
*Creativity - This is where hobbies are important. Perhaps you are an artist? Find time to create. A great hobby is photography. You can do it as you walk through your neighborhood. It is also a great way to meet people, and to share experiences with others through your photos.
*Intellectual - This is an area which is very neglected. It is important that you keep your intellect sharp. One way to do so is to read the newspaper on a daily basis. Or, dive into classic works of fiction, or poetry.
*Health & Fitness - Get in shape and stay in shape. There is no substitute for a great diet either. These are critical for living a healthy, balanced life. People who eat right and are in shape have better attitudes than those who do not. If your body feels better, you will feel better.
*Social - You need to spend time with your friends, relaxing and socializing. It is very important to have an active social life, as it keeps you connected and involved with the world. Also, having fun and sharing laughs helps you recharge intellectually and emotionally. Without an active social life, people tend towards depression and isolation.
*Family - This can be sensitive for some people who experienced difficulties with their parents when they were younger. Your family can be a great source of comfort and connection, as well being supportive through difficult times. It is common for people to feel challenged in their family lives. However, growing through these challenges forges character and integrity.
*Companionship & Intimacy - Ultimately, every person deserves a lasting, meaningful relationship. It can be both nurturing and challenging. Ultimately, it serves to help us be open to another person, and understand the nature of intimacy and love. Intimate relationships are important in any person's development. The result is a greater sense of ourselves, and a more fulfilling and happy life. Most of you reading this are probably looking for this.
*Austerity - Lastly, each of us needs time alone. This is when we recharge and connect with ourselves, and our purpose. Perhaps this is when we indulge in our hobbies, or when we practice daily meditation. Spending time alone helps us reenter the world feeling refreshed and connected.
Find outlets for your interests and then pursue them. Get ACTIVE and do it as soon as you're done reading this e-letter.
If you feel that one or more of these categories are missing, creatively brainstorm ways to bring this into balance by taking some action.
Perhaps you would benefit from taking a meditation class. Or, pick-up that novel you have wanted to read, but denied yourself.
Hobbies are great, as are activities and events. Look out for the social calendars in your neighborhood.
Here in New York City we have The Village Voice that is a free weekly
publication. It lists all of the film, theater, music, nightlife and special events for the week.
Also, in this current internet age, there are countless resources online
that can help you get inside information on the events in your home town. Being out of balance is common,unnecessary and easily resolved.
Use these tips, and get active. Build a lifestyle which fills you with purpose and meaning.
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Hey guys, I'm Ron.
I've actually spent my last two to three years studying about women and dating.
I want to share my knowledge and collection with you all.
Thank you.
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