Women CRAVE it... And complain because
most men can't create it if their
lives depended on it.
So what is it?
Well... On an emotional level... Sexual
tension is the feeling she gets from
chick flicks where the girl wants the
dreamy guy... or...
... Romance novels, where the hero
sweeps the damsel in distress off her
And on a biological level - It's a tingly,
gut feeling she gets around a guy she
WANTS... But can't HAVE.
So how does that help you? Simple:
And I bet you ten bucks you'll never
guess the 2nd part. ;-)
... Go ahead... Take a second...
... OK. Let's get into it:
**STEP ONE: She needs to feel AROUSAL.
She needs to want you, sexually.
Now, this is a LOT simpler than it seems.
You may wonder what you SAY to her,
to turn her on (And there ARE certain
phrases to 'heat her up')...
... But really, your fingers do all
the talking.
TOUCH her more. Use the DiCarlo
Escalation Ladder. (You DO have
The Attraction Code, right?)
Touch her shoulder while you're telling
a story...
Guide her through a crowd with your hand
on the small of her back...
... And hold her close with a one-armed
hug, while you two are talking.
Touching her lets you know you see
her SEXUALLY. And it lets her mind
run wild about YOU.
When you mix that with a dominant
sexuality... Getting her all
"hot and bothered" is actually
child's play.
And here's the SECRET to
Sexual Tension:
**STEP TWO: She needs to feel UNCERTAIN
whether or not you two will "hook up"
or get together.
This is where almost 99% of men fall flat
on their faces. (No, no.. Put your money
away... I was just kiddin')
Because it's easy as hell to make
one of two FATAL mistakes:
MISTAKE A) You're not sexual ENOUGH.
And we covered this one, just a little
Yet once you know you NEED to be SEXUAL,
you'll be tempted to make this next
MISTAKE B) You're TOO sexual
Seems like a contradiction, doesn't it?
Well, here's why women get SQUEEMISH
around "players" and guys who are
TOO sexual:
***You're a solved puzzle***
Once you tell her you want her...
Once you make out with her, in the
Or once you let her KNOW how much
you want her... She'll see you as
another guy who wants to get into
her pants.
And you'll lose the EXCITEMENT
she gets from sexual tension.
Pull her close, look at her
lips... And then whisper in
her ear...
Maybe you'll stop her in
the street while you two
are walking... Pull her into
you... Put your lips an inch
from hers... Smile... Then
keep on walking...
Or stand close to her... Just
close enough to feel her body
heat while you two are talking.
If you've noticed, the two
similarities are:
1) These techniques build intense
sexual ATTRACTION for you
... and...
2) They leave her UNCERTAIN whether
or not you're going to touch her...
Kiss her... Or get more physical.
This combination is DEADLY - And
will improve your game DRAMATICALLY,
the first time you use it.
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