Tuesday, August 25, 2009

0 Sexual Confidence | Seducing Women

He's got it pretty rough:

"I stumbled on your site the other day[...]

[It] Sounds intriguing, but I think I'm
beyond hope.

I'm 47 years old, never married.

Spent what should've been the best years
of my life (15-45) caught up in an archaic,
fundamentalist religion.

Never had any money.

Still don't, and no real prospects of making
a lot any time soon.

I've got a horrible complexion from terrible acne
in my teenage years.

Because I've always been broke, I never had
the money to get my teeth fixed, and they're
in bad shape - crooked, spaced out, yellow.

I've lost most of my hair, and I don't have a
face that looks good bald.

Bad, oversized, scarred nose, weak chin, etc.
What hair I do have is white.

I'm 47, but look like I'm 60.

So I'm old, ugly, bald, and broke.

Sure, I could probably go out and pick up some
45 year old woman with 3 kids, but I have
no interest in that.

I want to date attractive women with no kids;
women below 30.

Is it possible for a man like me to have success
with attractive women, or are some cases
pretty much hopeless?

Eagerly awaiting your reply,


>>>> Tom,

I'll be honest with you: You're in pretty
bad shape.

And it's not for the reasons you THINK,

You see - I can tell from your email that
you're focusing on how AWFUL your
life is, and how no woman could
POSSIBLY want you.

And well... If YOU think that way, you better
believe SHE will, too.

Now I've never met you, Tom... Or you,
dear reader...

... However, I HAVE met some of the
most successful men in the world,
at meeting women.

These men haven't been "knockouts" or
rich guys, either.

In fact - My mentor, Tony, is an overweight,
slightly balding barber.

(He's no looker, and he'll never buy
the Playboy mansion, cutting hair)

Still, when he goes out, women seem
ATTRACTED to him - Like a magnet.

It doesn't matter what he says...

It doesn't matter what he DOES...

... And it doesn't matter how he's
dressed, what "crew' he's with,
or if he's sitting in the VIP

Hell, most of the time, he's hanging
out - in his own world - And women
can't get enough of him.

It's All Because He Has A Solid
Sexual Confidence

Simply put: Women love men
who give off a "sexual" vibe.

And it's because THESE men are
the "best" in bed.

What you need to realize is
the female orgasm is 90%
in her MIND.

So when you ooze a dominant,
in control sexuality... Well...

... She's going to be screaming
your name so loud, your
neighbor's might start
sneaking peeks to
"steal" your moves.

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