Tuesday, August 25, 2009

0 How to Sell Yourself

No, I don't mean you should act like a prostitute, but you should
be able to "sell yourself" to anyone you meet.

Remember that women are looking for a potential mating partner,
so you have to demonstrate your positive qualities and BELIEVE in
what you're selling...YOU.

It's no secret that the best salesmen in the world are the ones
who believe in their product 100 percent.

This all boils down to their affirmation, or belief, in what
they're selling, and that's why it's important to believe in
yourself. Doing so will make it easier to convey the positive
qualities you have to offer women.

To give off the vibe that you're an attractive guy you must
TRULY feel that you are THAT person. Deep inside. (That's why
I recommend using affirmations on a daily basis)

Knowing how to sell yourself helps you display the high social
status that women find irresistible.

But what is social status?

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As I previously mentioned, in the animal kingdom, a man's values
are based on his status within a social context. The more
valuable you present yourself, the more you'll display a
naturally-attractive exterior

What's interesting is that while a woman's looks are generally
most important to a man, and a man's 'social value' is generally
the MOST attractive quality to women.

This goes beyond what you do for a living. Even if you have the
crappiest job in the world, you can still be attractive to women
if you know how to trigger her attraction switches.

By displaying a naturally-attractive personality when you FIRST
meet a woman, you'll be able to transcend any minor drawbacks
that you have going for you.

So HOW do you sell yourself?

Well this comes down to a NUMBER of things:

  • The way you dress
  • The stories you tell
  • The way people treat you
  • The body language you display
  • The way you treat HER

Now don't worry if you're unsure about some of the things I just
mentioned. Throughout the next couple of weeks, I'm going to
provide a TON of content that'll help you develop each of these

Just remember one basic rule...

In order to be attractive to women, you must demonstrate that YOU
have equal or MORE social status then her.

Yes it's that simple!

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