Courteous regards for people's feelings - honor - value - these
are all synonymous to the word respect, a quality a lot of
women look for in a man.
Women should be treated with great respect and esteem and
this involves not treating her just like a piece of meat.
It is true that ego and conquest weight heavily on a guys list
(maybe yours even) where a guy has to impress his buddies
with a score card and constantly show who is in control, but
this is certainly no excuse to treat any woman with disrespect.
If you want to get her to like you then you must be respectful
to her in your actions, thoughts and even words.
Respect is a quality of CONSCIOUS attraction and when a woman
sees a guy without this quality, he will never be considered
a potential mate or even as a friend.
When you are talking to your girl, maybe you have a habit
if treating her like your male pals and punching her on the
arm or roughing her up a bit, that can be interpreted as a
sign of disrespect, so stop it immediately.
Or when you talk to her in the same manner as you do to your
'bros' using harsh words and sometimes disparaging
These are all signs of disrespect which you might not have
realized before because you and her have such a comfortable
friendship, you've seen it as being acceptable.
It is not! The key to getting her attracted to you, is to
treat her how you treat your mother- with the UTMOST RESPECT!
Now, if you behave like a spineless wimp, without any
principles and you do whatever anyone tells you - then it's
going to be tough to make a woman respect you.
None of them likes a man who always bends to other people's
whims and fancy while denying his own needs, interests and
A woman will respect you more when she sees you standing up
for your belief and principles rather than caving in to other
people all the time.
When you show someone that you have principle and that you
draw the line in matters and no one, I repeat no one, should
be crossing them, then you are sending out signals that you
a man in total control and you won't allow yourself to be
trampled on and used as a doormat even by her.
If all this while you have been giving in because you thought
that was the polite thing to do, or simply because you're a
'nice guy' that can be persuaded to do anything, then it's
time to STOP people from pushing you around and making use of
Women respect men who are 'strong.'
When I say 'strong' I am not implying physical strength but
more towards inner strength as in strength in character.
How can you establish respect to a woman (your friend)?
One way to do so is by saying NO.
Saying no to the woman you are interested in at the
appropriate time, will only serve to intensify her interest
more. This could probably be the one word she hardly hears
from anyone or you throughout the course of your friendship,
but after she gets over the initial shock of it, she'll start
seeing you differently.
And this guys, is what we want.
You don't want to get her spoilt and run to you every time she
wants a shopping partner or someone to take her someplace to
meet someone.
You're not obliged to do so and make it known to her. Say no!
Get it clear that you're NOT her emotional sponge and don't
be. Try being selfish a little, pull back, and you'll find
that SHE'LL be the one to start giving in to you.
And PLEASE remember that once you have said no, STAY FIRM.
Don't change your mind so easily after she gives you her
pleading puppy dog eyes which almost always melts your
Don't let het have your way with you all the time and if you
change your mind from saying no to saying yes, it's as bad
if not worse than saying no to her.
When she asks you to go someplace you don't want to go,
say NO. When she asks you to do something you don't want to
do, say NO.
The greatest mistake most guys do when they are trying to
win over a female is being TOO NICE to her. At first, your
kindness can be most charming to her, but soon it will grow
monotonous and it will seem that you are trying too hard
to please and seem insecure to her.
Instead of overwhelming your friend with niceness, with your
pleasing words and grand gestures, try being 'selfish' with
her a few times and piss her off a little lol. =)
She'll look at you differently and will have a new found
respect for you.
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Monday, September 14, 2009

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Hey guys, I'm Ron.
I've actually spent my last two to three years studying about women and dating.
I want to share my knowledge and collection with you all.
Thank you.
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