I normally spend a lot of time talking about
attraction, and with good reason, that's
where most guys SCREW IT UP with women.
Remember, if she isn't attracted within THREE
minutes, it ain't gonna happen.
But today, I want to talk about something
that is even MORE powerful than attraction.
Listen, attraction is fleeting. By that I
mean it happens quickly. In fact, it can
happen in the BLINK of an eye!
Think about how this works for you...
anytime you see a cute girl, you are
attracted. IMMEDIATELY!
If you are driving, you forget about the road
for at least a few seconds.
If you are talking with your boss, or even
another woman... you will be distracted
and look.
Anytime you are in public where there are
cute women, you are attracted... again
and again.
This is nothing new, it's the way guys are
What's important here is to realize how
quickly your attraction VANISHES.
How fast does it happen? As soon as the NEXT
cute girl enters your field of view.
You LOCK ON and give her a good look (guys
are visual) then think about just how much
fun you could have and... well I'll leave the
rest to your vivid x-rated imagination.
What happened to the attraction for the last
girl? Or the one before that? Or the girls
from the day before... last week... last
GONE! Out of sight out of mind. No more
attraction. Fast as it happened, it
That's what I mean by 'attraction is
fleeting'. And get used to hearing this,
because IT'S important.
So, what the hell has this got to do with
Pay Attention! I really want you to GET THIS
next point, it'll all make sense to you then.
It's the SAME for WOMEN!
One of the HUGE myths guys have about women
is that somehow attraction is completely
DIFFERENT for them.
After coaching thousands of men, it became
painfully obvious that guys are just plain
STUMPED at how attraction works for a woman.
When I tell my clients that attraction is
much more SIMILAR for women than different,
they look at me like I have two-heads.
Listen, I can back up what I say with real
world evidence, but I don't want to get into
that now.
The point is, women are attracted to men ALL
day long, it can happen in an INSTANT and is
gone just as quickly.
Attraction is FLEETING (told you I'd say it a
lot), and thus it's NOT that powerful.
Think about it, if attraction were really
powerful, you would chase down every woman
you saw.
You'd screech your car to a halt and set out
on foot to meet any woman that caught your
I'll bet that never happens for you, and
I think it's a very safe bet.
Listen, there's more I can say on this topic,
lots more. For now, just burn what I said
into your memory.
Because I want to get to the Secret Weapon of
Pickup that makes attraction look like a
98-pound weakling.
It's the one thing that when you are good at it
will reduce your flaking rate to ZERO.
The one thing that gives a woman the "He
swept me off my feet experience" that she
will ALWAYS remember.
The one thing that allows a woman to give
herself PERMISSION to sleep with you.
And The one thing that when you are good at
it, gives you the confidence that she will
NEVER cheat on you.
Does this sound like something you would like
to know MORE about?
Have you guessed what it is?
I'll give you a hint... I'm creating an ENTIRE
seminar based on this topic.
Got it yet?
The answer is RAPPORT!
Make no mistake, I'm not talking about being
friendly with the office staff kind of rapport,
I'm talking about DEEP CONNECTION rapport.
Rapport so intense that in less than twenty
minutes she feels like you looked into her SOUL.
This isn't about bullsh!t GAMES. There is no
way you can FAKE this kind of experience.
That's what makes it so POWERFUL, because
it's REAL for both of you.
Women DREAM of having this type of
If you don't believe me, spend an hour in
your local bookstore reading romance novels.
And let me share a secret with you... most
women will NEVER have the romance novel
experience, because men FEAR connecting with
a woman.
There are a lot of men learning how to
trigger attraction in a woman.
There are so few learning how to build DEEP
RAPPORT with a woman, that in the scheme of
things, it's virtually ZERO.
Can you imagine how a woman would respond to
you if you could give her this experience?
Let's fact it, rapport is the difference that
makes the difference with a woman.
Get good at attraction, and sure you'll have
a lot of FUN. Girls will giggle and laugh
and be all over you when you first meet them.
But, learn how to build a deep rapport with a
woman, and you will get her hotter than a
firecracker on the 4th of July.
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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Hey guys, I'm Ron.
I've actually spent my last two to three years studying about women and dating.
I want to share my knowledge and collection with you all.
Thank you.
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